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Type: Constant

Logical state - either true (yes) or false (no).

Values: true, false


Type: Constant

The element of the object (if applicable) is set here. It is used both for visualizing purposes and interpretation purposes.

If the object color is not defined but an element is assigned to the object, the color assigned to the element is used (see also Settings.SettingsName.Display.ColorFire, ColorEarth, ColorAir, ColorWater)

Values: None, Fire, Earth, Air, Water


Type: Constant

Specifies a type of a house system.

Values: Placidus, Koch, Porphyrius, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Equal, Vehlow, WholeSign, Axial, Horizontal, PolichPage, Alcabitus, PisaKrusinski, Morinus


Type: Constant

Specifies a type of a desired sidereal mode. FaganBradley is the most common one.

Values: FaganBradley, Lahiri, Deluce, Raman, Ushashashi, Krishnamurti, DjwhalKhul, Yukteshwar, JnBhasin, BabylKugler1, BabylKugler2, BabylKugler3, BabylHuber, BabylEtpsc, Aldebaran15Tau, Hipparchos, Sassanian, GalCent, J2000, J1900, B1950