
free astrology software



Type: Static Object

An object containing display settings (the way the charts and lists are displayed, their colors, etc.)



namelist RadixAspects

A comma-separated list of aspects that will be displayed in a radix as colored lines. It does not involve other charts and listings. The list must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Aspect. It may contain more aspects than Settings.SettingsName.Model.DefaultAspects does, but only an intersection of both sets will be displayed. E.g. "Con, Opp, Tri, Squ, Sex"


int RadixAspectedObjects

A mask defining object types for which the aspect lines should be displayed in the radix. (use the GUI to change it)


bool RadixShowScale

If se to true a scale (a ruler) is drawn in the radix wheel.


color ColorFire

A color that should be used for this element. See also Settings.SettingsName.Body.BodyName.Element.


color ColorEarth

A color that should be used for this element. See also Settings.SettingsName.Body.BodyName.Element.


color ColorAir

A color that should be used for this element. See also Settings.SettingsName.Body.BodyName.Element.


color ColorWater

A color that should be used for this element. See also Settings.SettingsName.Body.BodyName.Element.


color FgColor

Main foreground (pen) color used when drawing charts on screen.


color FgColor2

Secondary foreground (pen) color used when drawing some parts of charts, e.g. planet labels (on screen).


color MdColor

Foreground (pen) color used when drawing (on screen) shaded items in charts (e.g. minor ticks in scales).


color BgColor

Background color of charts displayed on screen.


color PrinterFgColor

Main foreground (pen) color used when printing charts.


color PrinterFgColor2

Secondary foreground (pen) color used when prining some parts of charts, e.g. planet labels.


color PrinterMdColor

Foreground (pen) color used when printing shaded items in charts (e.g. minor ticks in scales).


string CssFile

CSS (cascading style sheet) file used for the visual style of listings and other text views. To edit it or create custom file, please learn CSS first.


string TextFont

A font used to render characters in chart views.


float FontScale

Relative font size of texts in charts


bool AspectariumShowDetails

If set to true, more details (orbs, planet positions) are displayed in the aspect grid


bool AspectariumShowLabels

If set to true, each line of aspect grid starts with the object's glyph and position


string InterpretationFile

The name of text database to use in the interpretation.


bool InterpretationShowBody

If true, the interpretation of bodies will be displayed.


bool InterpretationShowGeneralBody

If true, the general meaning of a body will be displayed.


bool InterpretationShowAspect

If true, the interpretation of aspects will be displayed.


bool InterpretationShowDegree

If true, the interpretation of degrees planets are currently standing at, will be displayed. It is usually used for Sabian Symbols


bool InterpretationShowDegreeName

If true, the name of degrees planets are currently standing at, will be displayed. It is usually used for Sabian Symbols


bool InterpretationShowProlog

If true, the prologs and epilogs will be displied. These are texts introducing or ending the interpretation.


string HorizontalAxis

A name of object the horizontal axis is bound to. Currently it may be either AS or 0.