
free astrology software



Type: Dynamically created object

An instance of the EventData object (here named "EventDataName"). It contains a definition of a celestial situation either by date, time and place (indirectly) or directly by a list of fixed objects positions



latitude Latitude

Latitude of a place related to the event. See latitude for format details.


longitude Longitude

Longitude of a place related to the event. See longitude for format details.


float JulianDay

Julian day


datetime Date

Date and time the event. See datetime for format details.


string Caption

A descriptive name of the event.


string Location

A name of the place of the event. E.g.: London, UK


string Zone

Time zone name, e.g. Europe/Prague


string Note

Any user note related to the events.


string Keywords

User defined keywords related to the events. (Currently not accessible from GUI).