
free astrology software



Various methods not directly linked with a specific object.



Test(int, bool)

Just a test, please ignore it.



Writes text string to the logfile.



Loads and executes a script named string. If the script filename does not contain an absolute path. The script is searched in: My Documents\StarFisher\Scripts, ...\StarFisher\Scripts and My Documents\StarFisher\Events.

The file path search order is:

  • Absolute path if specified
  • Relative path to ...\My Documents\StarFisher\Scripts\
  • Relative path to C:\Program Files\StarFisher\Scripts\ (unless

you selected a different directory when installing StarFisher)

  • Relative path to ...\My Documents\StarFisher\Events\

The scripts can be nested, i.e. a called script may call another one.


SelfDocument(string, string)

For StarFisher translation purposes only. SelfDocument(input file, output folder).



Sets a specified event's place to values defined in Settings.SettingsName.Model.SetDefaultPlace.


ExecuteIfOlder(string, string)

For internal use only.

The second argument is launched as e command if the last saved update is older than the version in parameter one.

Nested Objects