
free astrology software



Type: Static Object

An object containing the astro-calculation settings.



SetBodyPreset(string, namelist)

Store the list of bodies in param 2 as a named list, where param 1 is the name.


SetAspectPreset(string, namelist)

Store the list of aspects in param 2 as a named list, where param 1 is the name.


SetDefaultPlace(string, latitude, longitude, string)

Sets the default location used in new horoscopes.


SetSiderealMode(siderealMode, datetime, float)

Use to select one of available sidereal modes. The parameters 2 and 3 are reserved and currently ignored.



houseSystem HouseSystem

House-system to use.


namelist DefaultAspects

A comma-separated list of aspects that should be used in a new horoscope. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Aspect E.g. "Con, Opp, Tri, Squ, Sex"


namelist DefaultBodies

A comma-separated list of bodies that would be used in a new horoscope by default. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Body. E.g. "Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn"


namelist DefaultTransitAspects

A comma-separated list of aspects that should be used for transit calculation by default. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Aspect E.g. "Con, Opp, Tri, Squ, Sex"


namelist DefaultTransitBodies

A comma-separated list of bodies that would be used as transiting bodies in a transit calculation by default. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Body. E.g. "Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn"


namelist DefaultDirectionAspects

A comma-separated list of aspects that should be used for direction calculation by default. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Aspect E.g. "Con, Opp, Tri, Squ, Sex"


namelist DefaultDirectionBodies

A comma-separated list of bodies that would be used as directioning (moving) bodies in a direction calculation by default. This must be a sub-set of Settings.SettingsName.Body. E.g. "Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn"


int AspectaryXPlanetaryOrb

An integer between 0 and 100 defining the ratio between aspectary and planetary attitude to orb calculation. 0 means pure aspectary attitude, 100 means pure planetary attitude. (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)


degree StrongAspect

A maximal difference from an exact angle for an aspect to be considered strong. It involves the way the aspect is displayed and interpreted. By default, difference less or equal than 1 degree is used.


degree WeakAspect

A minimal difference from an exact angle for an aspect to be considered weak. It involves the way the aspect is displayed and interpreted. By default, difference greater than 6 degrees is used.


bool Sidereal

If set to true, sidereal mode is activated. If set to false, tropical mode is activated.


float StandardComparisonOrbCoef

A coefficient that is used together with xxxxxLimit for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


degree StandardComparisonOrbLimit

A limit that is used together with xxxxxCoef for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


float TransitComparisonOrbCoef

A coefficient that is used together with xxxxxLimit for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


degree TransitComparisonOrbLimit

A limit that is used together with xxxxxCoef for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


float DirectionComparisonOrbCoef

A coefficient that is used together with xxxxxLimit for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


degree DirectionComparisonOrbLimit

A limit that is used together with xxxxxCoef for this type of relationship to reduce the maximal allowed orb calculated in the standard way (see Settings.SettingsName.Aspect for details)

 new_orb = min( Coef * old_orb, Limit)

In other words, the maximal orb must be lower than Coef * old_orb AND lower than the Limit.


bool SlowAxisProgression

While the progression of planets is always calculated so that the speed of move is multiplied by a coefficient reflecting a specific key (e.g. 1 day = 1 year), there is no such consensus in case of axis. Some astrologers calcuulate the axis the same way (the axis go approx. 361.5 degrees per year - fast progression), others calculate the positions on the beginnings of the cycles and interpolate between them, so it seems the axis go approx. 1.5 degree per year - slow propgression.